Chinese New Year 2005. I got to play with my bestest cousin. So many people in Popo's house.

We eat

And koko Zhong and koko Jiu too

And Cheche Jun n Tjia-Ern too

And koko Ping

And A Zhong Zhong

Tjia Lin can't eat with us yet cos she is still small.

It was fun. We play all sorts of things.

Watch so many kakaks cooking....

And then Dwa Bek brought us to the beach!!

We built a castle there!!! hmmmm....

Then Kong Kong bought turtle eggs for us. It was salty. Koko Zhong finished one but took a long time!!

Then we left KB for KL. Ji Bek lent us his car. We drove from KL to Ipoh on the same day.... so tiring.

And we arrived at Grandma's house.

Baby Amy is already there waiting for us.

We went for "low sang" that evening. Very yummy.

I helped to "low" very high too!!

And while it was Ji Bek's birthday when we were in KB. I had the opportunity to eat another slice of cake in BG 'cos it was Eng Ee's birthday!! This trip is so full-filling.....
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